Types of Memberships: Join Here!


1. Family Membership - $40

2. General Membership for 1 - $10

3. Faculty Membership - $10

4. PTA Community Membership - $20


Why its important to join the PTA:


1. Joining the elementary school PTA allows you to actively participate in your child's education and support their academic success.

2. By joining the PTA, you can stay informed about important school events, policies, and updates that directly impact your child.

3. Volunteering with the PTA provides you with the opportunity to make a positive impact on the school community and help create a better learning environment for all students.

4. Building relationships with other parents, teachers, and staff members through the PTA can help create a strong sense of community within the school.

5. The PTA often advocates for education at the local, state, and national levels, giving you a platform to support policies and initiatives that benefit students and schools.

6. Volunteering with the PTA can help you develop new skills, such as event planning, fundraising, and communication, that can be valuable in various areas of your life.

7. Joining the PTA can provide you with opportunities to network with other parents and educators, creating a supportive community for both you and your child.

8. The PTA often organizes fun and educational events for students and families, giving you the chance to be actively involved in your child's school experience.

9. By joining the PTA, you can help ensure that your child's school has the resources and support needed to provide a high-quality education for all students.

10. Ultimately, joining the elementary school PTA is a way to show your commitment to your child's education and contribute to the overall success of the school community.

We love our Mabry Community!


Types of Memberships: Join Here!


1. Family Membership - $40

2. General Membership for 1 - $10

3. Faculty Membership - $10

4. PTA Community Membership - $20


