Mabry Elementary PTA Walk-A-Thon Sponsorship Levels 2024-2025


The 13th annual Mabry Elementary PTA Walk-A-Thon held in the fall of 2024 from 9am-12pm. Join our students, families, staff, and faculty as we walk laps together for fun and fitness while we raise money for Mabry Elementary School. Over 700+ in attendance and a lifetime of fun and memories! Payment, business logo/artwork for this event is due by 9/30/2024.



$100 Dolphin Supporter

  •  Business logo on group Walk-A-Thon track marker to be displayed at event.


$250 Dolphin Pacer

  • Business logo on Walk-A-Thon T-shirts.
  • “Thank You” post on PTA Social Media Outlets and “Thank You” announcement during event (once during event).
  • Business Logo featured on PTA Website Walk-A-Thon Page during 2024-2025 school year.
  • Business logo/name on post-event “Thank You” Banner displayed at car line pick up on Lois Ave. during fall 2024.


$350 Dolphin Runner

  • Sponsorship offered with all amenities under Dolphin Pacer.
  • Business logo on track marker to be displayed at event.
  • “Thank You” message on digital school marquee located on Lois Ave. (scrolling message for 3 days).
  • Business marketing material/swag displayed at Business Partnership table at event.
  • “Thank You” announcement during event (twice during event).


$500 Dolphin Sprinter

  • Sponsorship offered with all amenities under Dolphin Pacer and Runner.
  • 4x6 ft banner displayed at Mabry/Coleman Track on day of event and a sponsored activity (must be approved by Mabry school principal).
  • Opportunity for business to have dedicated table at the event.
  • “Thank You” announcement during event (twice times during event).


$1,000 Dolphin Marathoner 26.2

  • Sponsorship offered with all amenities under Dolphin Pacer, Runner, and Sprinter.
  • 4x6 ft banner displayed at Mabry/Coleman Track on day of event and a sponsored activity (must be approved by Mabry school principal).
  • Business logo featured at the inflatable Start/Finish Line Arch.
  • “Thank You” announcement during event (once per hour).
  • “Thank You” message on digital school marquee located on Lois Ave. (Scrolling message for 1 week).


 To sign up as a WAT Sponsor, go HERE.


Checks payable to: Mabry Elementary School PTA Memo: Walk A Thon.

Questions? Please Contact Walk-A-Thon Chair:

Marla Conner and Kara Guagliardo at

All ads/flyers/logos/content must be approved by Mabry Elementary Principal and PTA who maintain sole right of approval and must be provided at least 30 days prior to use. High resolution images required for Logo use and distribution. Digital marquee ad(s) appear once each 9-wk quarter of school year and scroll for X consecutive days depending on level of sponsorship. Flyers must state “Proud Business Partner of the Mabry PTA” and should be personalized to Mabry Elementary; 850 flyers to be provided per distribution cycle. Additional restrictions may apply.


Your donation is tax deductible. Please contact your tax advisor. / IRC501(c)(3) organization/Federal ID No: 23-7102409