Walk-a-Thon Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Walk-a-thon?
The Mabry PTA Walk-a-thon is a family-friendly fundraiser where our entire community—students, families, staff, and local businesses—comes together. Join us on Saturday, December 7th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Mabry Elementary for a festival-like event with a DJ, photo booth, inflatables, face painting, and more!



How do students win prizes?

Students can raise as much as possible by asking family, friends, and neighbors for donations. Submit all donations by December 4th. Cash donations require a form or envelope with the student’s name to ensure proper credit, but online donations do not. 



Do students have to walk a certain number of laps?
No, prizes are based on the total amount raised, not laps walked. However, students who walk at least 4 laps will earn a spirit stick!



When and how is money collected?
Donations are accepted from September 9th through December 4th. You can donate online or submit cash/checks with a form or envelope to the front office. Make checks payable to Mabry Elementary PTA with "Walkathon" and your child’s name in the memo. Donations after December 1st aren't guaranteed to count toward prizes.



How can I volunteer?
We need volunteers on the event day! Watch for a Signup Genius link in the Mabry Minute starting late September.



Where does the money go?
Our goal is $75,000 to support our Mabry School Community Hurricane Recovery and annual Mabry programs, focusing on campus improvements and new musical instruments, PE equipment, and art supplies!



More Questions?
Contact the Walk-a-Thon committee at mabrywalkathon@gmail.com